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Building a Backend for an Online Marketplace

Published: at 11:00 PM

Today, I’d like to demonstrate the backend architecture of my Marketplace API project. This backend, designed for managing advertisements in an online marketplace, is a testament to efficient Java and Spring Boot development

Exploring the Marketplace API


The Marketplace API is a testament to my growth and understanding of backend development. This API is all about managing advertisements in an online marketplace, offering users a platform to create, update, and explore various ads.. From user registration and authentication to creating and updating advertisements, the API offers a rich set of features for a dynamic and user-friendly experience.


API Documentation with Swagger

Exploring the capabilities of the Marketplace API using Swagger was a revelation. I could interact with endpoints, understand request/response details, and witness the API in action. It made me appreciate the importance of clear and comprehensive API documentation. To explore this documentation, do so:

  1. Ensure the Marketplace API is running locally.

  2. Open your web browser and navigate to the Swagger UI: Swagger Documentation

    Note: Replace http://localhost:8080 with the actual base URL of your running API.

  3. Dive into the available endpoints, review request/response details, and interact with the API directly from the Swagger UI.
    Swagger Documentation

Javadoc Documentation

The Javadoc documentation is like a map guiding through the classes, methods, and overall structure of the codebase. Javadoc Documentation For a deeper understanding of the project’s architecture and implementation details, refer to the Javadoc documentation: