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Let JS do the work!

Published: at 10:00 PM

Most coders out there have probably once become as excited as I got today when they injected a code from JavaScript into the HTML for the first time!

This process happens by writing a classified ul in HTML (so we can point at it in JavaScript later), making an array of values, and generating the list items for each array item using JavaScript. Now we only need to address the ul and inject out li code inside it. In the code below, you can see how I made a list of my siblings and injected it into ul.siblings.

//get a refrence to the 'ul
const ul = document.querySelector(".siblings");

const siblings = ["vahid", "vici", "omid", "negin", "behnood"];

let html = ``;
siblings.forEach(person => {
  //create html template
  html += `<li style="color: purple">${person}</li>`;

ul.innerHTML = html;

Feel free to check out the both HTML and JavaScript codes for My siblings list.